Friday, July 6, 2018

The significance of dietician job placement: What does it take to become a registered dietician?

 The significance of dietician job placement: What does it take to become a registered dietician?

The role of a dietician is to prepare food as well as nutrition programs for the patients. However, their job is not limited to make dietary plans but they play a vital role in assisting people to tackle the obesity, overweight, and other such nutrition-related disorders. A dietician is also responsible to conduct several surveys and educational programs regarding the benefits of taking a healthy and nutritional diet in your square meal. So now you might be familiar with the fact that a dietician has diverse responsibilities and thereby, achieving the dietician job placement is not that easy how it seems to be. If you desire to become a qualified and proficient dietician or nutritionist then here’s what you need to know:

3 essential steps to get a dietician job placement

There is no doubt that achieving the status of a dietician requires a lot of hard work and talent. You might encounter failures in the initial stages, however, attempting a few courses and passing out the tricky exams is all that you need to do. Here I am presenting a list of three major steps that is a must to qualify for every individual that dreams to become a dietician:

A particular set of courses planned by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) – These courses can either be accomplished at the graduate or undergraduate level. The candidates also have an opportunity to apply and register themselves online.

Qualify the internship programs set up by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) – you can either opt for the internship programs separately or can go along with coursework set by AND. The first basic thing about the internship is to search out the entire dietetics programs presented by AND. If you desire to do both the coursework as well as internship programs simultaneously, it is advisable to prefer coordinated master programs as it would generally take 2-2.5 years.

Pass the required registered dietician requirements – Though most of the requirements are identical, there might be a few differences. Nevertheless, some major prerequisites that every dietician candidate requires include:

  • Chemistry 1 + lab
  • Chemistry 2 + lab
  • Organic chemistry + lab
  • Biology 101 + lab
  • Human nutrition
  • Physiology and Anatomy + lab
  • Intro Biochemistry
  • Microbiology
  • Intro to Sociology
  • Intro to Psychology, and much more.

Your job doesn’t conclude at successfully accomplishing the above-listed courses and programs. Instead, after becoming a dietician, you will have to take part in supervising the preparation of food, educating the group of people including pregnant women, the senior citizens, and diabetic patients regarding the healthy and nutritious diet.  Besides that, you might require to work in hospitals, food manufacturers, private organizations, nursing care facilities, home health agencies and institutions, cafeterias, public health clinics, and other such orientation.

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